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Home Energy Efficiency

With most houses in Ireland currently at aC2 rating or lower, how can we get from a G to an A? An A-rated house requires advanced levels of airtightness, insulation and smart heating systems, LED lighting and sources of renewable energy installed e.g heatpumps, solar panels. An SEAI Registered BER Assessor(opens in a new tab) can advise on measures best suited to your home that can bring you to an A-rating. Steps to take may include but are not limited to:

1. Insulation

Insulation can greatly improve the BER of your home. Start with the attic, floor and walls. This is the first step to a more energy efficient home.

2. Low- Energy Light Bulbs

Replace inefficient light fittings with low-energy light bulbs for a noticeable improvement in electricity bills.

Our guide to BER - how energy efficient is your home? #BER

3. Solar PV

By investing in solar PV, you will also be making an impact on the BER of your home. When it comes to selling your home, a higher BER will add value and can help you achieve a higher sale price.

4. Heating Controls

Upgrade your heating controls and reduce your energy usage by up to 20%!

5. Heat Pumps

Consider switching from oil or gas to a Heat Pump. A heat pump works by drawing energy from the air, ground or water and converting it to heat you can use to heat your home and hot water. SEAI recommend a fabric first approach to ensure your home is heat-pump ready before installing one.

(***Under new building regulation introduced on November 1st 2019, all new-builds will have to be ‘near-zero energy buildings’. Existing homes undergoing major renovations must be brought up to BER rating of B2).

SEAI offers a once-off €50 grant for a BER assessment under the Better Energy Homes programme (BER must be carried out by an SEAI Register BER Assessor).